Order & Disorder


This figure, created by Le Corbusier, suggest the aim of the modernist movement in architecture and urbanism: rational diferentiation between order and disorder, smooth and rough, beauty and ugly. So far urban planners have been trying explaining and  modelling space according such sort of reducionist, positivist and non-dialetical approaches.

We present this figure as a new symbol, for the new approach that has been carried on last decade, upon spatial analysis: Complexity.

Most of the urban events we observe can not be described as simply regular or completely unlogical. In fact, these events are between chaos and order, they are complex systems. Among them, we point out the squatter settlements (favelas, barrios, kampongs, bidonvilles...),  spontaneous urban structures  where 1/3 of world population use to live in.



Fabiano Sobreira - Ph.D. Researcher - University College London / Federal University of Pernambuco
